Foluké Abigail Badejo
QLD Hub Lead
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Join the AASMDr Foluké Abigail Badejo is an award-winning Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Behaviour Change researcher at Queensland University of Technology. She is also the Queensland hub lead of the Australian Association of Social Marketing (AASM), and chair of Theorise This! QUT Centre for Decent Work & Industry’s theory reader. Dr Badejo’s work is driven by her core values of social justice, dignity, diversity and inclusion, as well a passion for complex problem-solving for transformative social impact.
Dr Badejo’s work focuses on dismantling knowledge hierarchies, decolonising dominant discourses and amplifying subaltern voices through tackling complex global problems such as human trafficking and modern slavery, climate change and environmental sustainability, gender inequality, energy inequity, improving food literacy across disadvantaged school communities, improving disability support and access, and preventing homelessness. She specialises in co-designing and translating formative research insights into sustainable social innovations that aim to empower marginalised populations to transform their prospects.
Dr Badejo has discipline expertise across Behaviour Change Science, Social Marketing, Critical Marketing, Health Promotion, Public Relations, and Social Enterprise. Her work draws upon critical theory, intersectional feminism, post-colonialism, and socio-materialism. She has considerable training and experience in using mixed and multi-method research approaches including systematic literature reviews, co-design, critical discourse analysis, auto-ethnography, focus groups, depth and phenomenological interviews, and quantitative survey design.
Dr Badejo has been a principal or named investigator on projects attracting a total of $426,950 in research funds. Her projects have attracted funding from Suncorp, Energy Consumers Australia, North Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), Queensland Health, and Diabetes Queensland. She currently leads a Food Literacy in Schools project targeting disadvantaged primary schoolchildren in Queensland. She is also part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers at QUT working on a project to prevent homelessness among mature age women as well as a co-investigator on a behaviour change project supporting CALD consumers to be ‘responsible’ energy consumers.
Dr Badejo is also currently an honorary Research Fellow with the University of Sydney, Australia. She has published over 20 academic journal and conference papers including in outlets such as Journal of Services Marketing, European Sports Management Quarterly, Journal of Social Marketing, BMC Public Health, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Health Psychology Review, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing and Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Ageing. She has also written several client project reports, and has been an invited keynote speaker at national and international conferences, including the 2019 World Social Marketing Conference.