2025 International Social Marketing Conference
2025 International Social Marketing Conference: Social Marketing in the Age of Disruption. Brisbane, Australia. May 2025.
Submissions close 21 November 2025.
AASM Annual General Meeting 2024
As we approach the end of another significant year for social marketing in Australia, we invite you to attend the Australian Association of Social Marketing's Annual General Meeting 2024.
→ Keep ReadingCritical Social Marketing Symposium 2024
The CSM Symposium takes place at the University of York, UK, on 12 June 2024. This is a free hybrid event. Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Jeff French, Professor Ross Gordon, and Dr Nadia Zainuddin.
→ Keep Reading8th World Social Marketing Conference
AASM members will receive an exclusive 10% discount on their registration. Please read for further information.
→ Keep Reading1st Australian Customer Vulnerability Symposium
Challenging Assumptions of Customer Vulnerability: Rethinking and Reshaping
→ Keep ReadingNext steps – Coronavirus and Behaviour Change What it will take to be successful
In times of uncertainty having a solid understanding of consumer attitudes and behaviours is crucial for social marketers. People everywhere are learning to live with the reality of COVID-19 and settling into new normals. How will this affect your organisation and your work?
→ Keep ReadingFostering Sustainable and Healthy Behaviour: Lessons from Psychology
Join Dr DOUG McKENZIE-MOHR to learn how psychology can play a central role in widespread behaviour change for social good.
→ Keep ReadingFostering Sustainable and Healthy Behaviour: Lessons from Psychology
Join Dr DOUG McKENZIE-MOHR to learn how psychology can play a central role in widespread behaviour change
→ Keep ReadingOutside-in thinking: sources of inspiration for behaviour change.
Outside-in thinking is a business strategy that focuses on customer value and customer experiences and starts from looking outside of the organisation.
→ Keep ReadingInsights from the World Social Marketing Conference
The conclusion of the most recent World Social Marketing Conference 2019 in Edinburgh, UK saw the emergence of a number of key trends in social and behaviour change research and practice. The NSW Hub of the Australian Association of Social Marketing would like to invite all change agents to a panel session to hear about these key trends from a selection of expert speakers working at the forefront of social and behaviour change, and who were invited speakers at the conference.
→ Keep ReadingGateway Building
1 Macquarie Place, Circular Quay, NSW 2001
Boardroom 2, Level 10
Citizen Centric Social Marketing
In this session Professor Jeff French will cover the need for and how to develop and deliver a more citizen centric approach to social policy.
→ Keep Reading10 Key Considerations for Social and Behaviour Change
Professor Jeff French will be joining us in Perth to share his top 10 key considerations that anyone working in contemporary social and behaviour change areas should consider.
→ Keep ReadingSouth Street
The Loft, Level 3 above Sir Walters Restaurant
Murdoch WA 6150
Insights from the World Social Marketing Conference
Dial up your knowledge by hearing about the latest practices, trends and opportunities in behaviour and social change from the 2019 World Social Marketing Conference held in Edinburgh in early June.
→ Keep Reading15-31 Pelham Street
Carlton, Victoria
Examining value destruction and termination of support services and the impact on subjective wellbeing
The AASM NSW Hub is pleased to announce a Research Seminar by Dr Cheryl Leo from Murdoch University. Dr Leo will be presenting her latest research on support services and why people choose to terminate the use of these service that are designed to support our health and wellbeing and the implications of such decisions. This research was conducted in collaboration with Dr Nadia Zainuddin from the University of Wollongong.
→ Keep ReadingAdelaide Behaviour Change Hub Network
We need you to help shape the development of our Adelaide Behaviour Change Hub Network!
→ Keep ReadingThe art and science of briefing an agency with Michael Daddo
Come along for an engaging and interactive session with one of Australia’s most dynamic thinkers on behaviour change social marketing campaigns. Michael will talk about how to effectively brief and get the best results from an agency.
→ Keep Reading10 Key Considerations for Social and Behaviour Change
The AASM NSW Hub is delighted to announce a research seminar by Professor Jeff French, PhD, MBA, MSc, DipHE, BA, Cert.Ed. Professor French will be joining us in Sydney to share his top 10 key considerations that anyone working in contemporary social and behaviour change areas should consider.
→ Keep Reading10 Key Considerations for Social and Behaviour Change
The AASM QLD Hub is delighted to announce a research seminar by Professor Jeff French, PhD, MBA, MSc, DipHE, BA, Cert.Ed. Professor French will be joining us in Brisbane to share his top 10 key considerations that anyone working in contemporary social and behaviour change areas should consider.
→ Keep ReadingSelecting and unpacking behaviours: A critical step in developing effective programs
The Victorian Hub of the Australian Association of Social Marketing is hosting its first event for 2019 with an international guest presenter Doug McKenzie Mohr. Doug will take you on a deep dive into thinking about what behaviours we should be targeting and how we can understand those behaviours in ways that facilitate better program development. This will then be followed by a Q&A session.
→ Keep ReadingExpired: Change 2018
Change 2018 is a 2-day conference proudly brought to you by Social Marketing @ Griffith. We have put together this event to bring the best of what we know will help enhance your behaviour change programs through empowering, enabling, and enacting. All AASM members are eligible for a special discounted rate to attend Change 2018 of $990 + GST p/person.
→ Keep ReadingWomen Leading Change Summit
Women rule when it comes to making decisions and making change.
For the first time, a full-day interactive seminar from AASM in conjunction with Deakin University Business School, showcases women as influencers, leaders and change agents – and shows you how to put that knowledge to work for social change.
To be held in Melbourne on Tuesday August 21, it features a top line up of speakers from organisations such as VicHealth, Victorian Women’s Trust, Our Watch and many more.
Be inspired by the best. Register now for a great day of learning and networking.
Expired: International Social Marketing Conference (ISMC)
The International Social Marketing Conference (ISMC) aims to bring together behaviour and social change agents from across the Asia-Pacific in a 2-day collaboration to share the latest tools & approaches to changing behaviours for societal wellbeing. Learn new insights from industry experts, grow your network & explore emerging technologies.
→ Keep ReadingAbout AASM’s Events
The AASM runs Hub events around Australia including research seminars, symposiums, and networking events relating to contemporary social marketing. AASM currently has Hubs in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The association also has a view to expanding our network of hubs (e.g. South Australia, New Zealand, Asia-Pacific regions) so if you are interested in setting up an AASM Hub or getting involved in running events please contact us.
The AASM also co-brands events with various partners and host institutions. If you would like to co-brand an event or series of events with AASM please get in touch.
AASM can provide social marketing experts to come and present, network, and meet with people at social marketing and social change events – please contact us to arrange.
Finally, the AASM sends regular email updates regarding hub events to our members as well as what is posted on the website – so please watch out for these.