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Meet Dr Tim Antric: A key member of the AASM Management Committee

Reimagining Social Marketing in Aotearoa

Tim Antric smiles at the camera. Behind him as a sea of grasses.
Dr Tim Antric

In the evolving landscape of social marketing in Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr Tim Antric stands out as a visionary leader, reimagining how social marketing can be more culturally responsive, community-driven, and ultimately more effective. As the Kaiarataki (Managing Director) of Hemisphere and Hautū Takirua of Te Huihui o Te Kakau, Tim is at the forefront of a movement that’s transforming the way organizations engage with communities to create positive change.

“Our approach always begins by working to understand the audience, putting people at the heart of the work,” Tim explains. This whānau-centric philosophy is evident in the diverse range of projects he leads, from increasing breastfeeding rates to preventing the spread of pests in New Zealand waterways.

What sets Tim’s work apart is his unwavering commitment to partnering with Māori to co-create campaigns that weave together Māori knowledge and marketing expertise. “We’re particularly focused on working with Māori partners to co-create campaigns and projects that are owned and developed by Māori for Māori,” he says. This approach is exemplified in projects like “Motukia Te Māwhaiwhai” (Sever the Web), a program developed with kaupapa Māori providers to reduce gambling and gaming harm among whānau Māori.

The program draws on traditional Māori stories and takes a strengths-based approach to supporting whānau in change. It’s a prime example of how Tim and his team are challenging conventional marketing wisdom by placing the whānau (family) at the centre, rather than the individual consumer.

One of Tim’s most innovative projects is He Wāhi Haumaru, a reimagining of the Breastfeeding New Zealand community. This initiative goes beyond creating an online space, extending into the physical world as a marker of places that support breastfeeding and chestfeeding. “Our hope is that when people see this displayed, they will feel at ease to feed pēpi (baby), knowing they are in a supportive and nurturing space,” Tim shares.

Tim sees the biggest challenge in social marketing as maintaining long-term commitment. “We’ve been working on breastfeeding since 2008, evolving the message, story, and platforms as whānau have evolved. However, many programmes are short-term in nature and don’t have the investment and opportunity to work with stakeholders to create sustainable change,” he notes.

This long-term perspective is reflected in Tim’s evolving approach to social marketing. He’s increasingly focused on cultural responsiveness and partnership with Māori, challenging the Anglo-American paradigm that often underpins traditional marketing theory. “If we accept that social marketing is focused on social, as well as individual transformation, what does this mean for our practice?” he asks.

Looking to the future, Tim is excited about the potential for initiatives like He Wāhi Haumaru to move from largely online presences to becoming real-world markers of supportive spaces. “This is about working with partners and stakeholders to create change and support,” he explains.

The work Tim leads at Hemisphere and Te Huihui o Te Kakau represents a new frontier in social marketing, one that respects and incorporates indigenous wisdom, prioritises long-term community engagement, and challenges conventional marketing norms. As Aotearoa New Zealand continues to grapple with complex social issues, Tim’s innovative approach offers a promising path forward – one that is culturally grounded, community-driven, and deeply committed to creating positive change.

For organizations and individuals interested in making a meaningful impact through culturally responsive and community-centred social marketing, Tim Antric, through Hemisphere and Te Huihui o Te Kakau, offers unique partnership opportunities. His collaborative approach, deep cultural understanding, and long-term commitment to projects make him a valuable ally in creating sustainable social change.

“We’re always eager to connect with partners who share our vision for positive transformation in Aotearoa,” says Tim. 

Anyone interested in learning more about Tim’s innovative approach to social marketing, or in discussing potential collaborations with Hemisphere and Te Huihui o Te Kakau, is encouraged to connect. As Tim puts it, “Let’s kōrero about how we can create positive change together.”

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