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International Social Marketing Conference 2022 Awards

Best academic paper:
Kate Letheren, Kathleen Chell, Samuel Ong and Rebekah Russell-Bennett
Let the solution fit the barrier: Shaping the environment for compliance behaviour
Highly commended academic paper:
Murooj Yousef, Sarah Duffy and Patrick Van Esch
Towards an equal gender distribution in the household: System social marketing approach
Best practitioner paper:
Rebecca Bliss, Emily Dunstan, Emily Jones, Nuni Markito-Russen, Rees Quilford and Luke Rogers
Bread to be more: A one-food focus for household food waste
Highly commended practitioner paper:
Melanie Fineberg, Jasmine Lawang, Jane Shill and Matthew Nicholson
This Girl Can- Victoria
Best student paper:
Carly Forrest and Maria Raciti
Conceptualising Indigenous brand storytelling
Highly commended student paper:
James Tarbit and Josephine Previte
Developing a resource-advantage theory for social change: Insights from The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence